Pasargad Company, designer, builder, and executor of FreeForm Buidings (in unique buildings)
Around the world, countless unique landscapes and structures attract visitors from all corners of the globe. Among these attractions, the role of buildings with extraordinary and unusual architectural styles cannot be ignored. In today’s architectural landscape, where uniformity often dominates, the emergence of buildings with distinctive designs can transform them into landmarks, contributing significantly to the tourism and economy of cities or even entire nations.

Amazon’s headquarters building known globally as a FreeForm structure
Repetition often breeds a desire for change, and this is especially true in architecture. When people grow weary of monotonous, box-shaped structures, creative buildings emerge—buildings born from the imaginations and emotions of visionary architects and engineers. Many of these structures have become recognized as works of art, drawing large numbers of tourists each year. FreeForm buildings belong to this genre and they can be designed for residential, commercial, or office purposes. Pasargad Company, renowned for its expertise in creating one-of-a-kind structures, specializes in delivering such projects from inception to completion.

FreeForm buildings featuring unique architecture designed for residential, office, or commercial purposes
Modern facade design entered Iran’s architectural landscape around two decades ago, bringing with it a departure from traditional styles. This contemporary approach, known for its innovation, contrasts sharply with the rich heritage of Iranian architecture. However, as construction design continues to evolve, modern styles have gained a foothold in response to diverse client preferences.
Modern architecture, distinct from traditional or classical forms, is characterized by its originality. In modern facades, designers frequently emphasize bold geometric shapes, often eschewing symmetry. A key feature of this style is the irregular arrangement of forms and symbols, particularly evident in the exterior. Modern facades are commonly employed in residential complexes, high-rises, commercial spaces, and some office buildings.
This design approach isn’t tied to specific materials; its uniqueness lies in the creative and non-traditional use of geometry. While classical facades rely on regular shapes and lines, reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture, modern facades are shaped by the interplay of multiple materials and elements to create a dynamic visual impact.
Much like other architectural styles, modern designs feature separated layers, allowing the designer to creatively divide floors into odd or even arrangements. Incorporating oversized frames or other structural elements along the height or width of the building further aligns the design with modernist principles.

Freeform-designed residential buildings, made even more striking by the addition of lush green spaces and vibrant, cheerful colors.
A signature element of Freeform architecture is the interplay of volumes—specifically, the manipulation of box-like structures across the facade. Many architects globally have explored designs where cubes appear to protrude or recede, creating depth and complexity. These volumetric movements result in a dynamic architectural form, far removed from simple cubic structures, sparking intrigue and engagement from onlookers.

Examples of freeform buildings with a mesmerizing, illusionary design, enhancing the city’s beauty with their unparalleled charm.
The practical application of these volumetric elements—whether protrusions offer specific functions or recesses create beneficial space—is determined by the project’s needs and the designer’s creativity.
Ultimately, Freeform buildings are defined by their chaotic and unconventional floor layouts, creating an intentionally unstructured and captivating visual experience.
Pasargad Company stands at the forefront of the industry, specializing in the design, structural calculations, construction, and implementation of Freeform Buildings. Our approach hinges on engineering expertise and adherence to global standards.
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