Sunday, 9 March , 2025
Photo on the right: zip line ascent platform from a height of 42 meters.
Photo on the left: zip line landing platform at a height of 12 meters.
In this zip line not used of natural slope (unlike more than 90% of the zip lines of the world) and height difference has been created by metal towers. This zip line height is 450 meters and this is the biggest (tower to tower) zip line in the world.
Lighting and its beautiful appearance at night (photo on the right) is one of the most important options.
The zip line of Isfahan Ferdows Garden with a height 450 meters due to presence of dense trees, it was very difficult to implement, but we have tried not to damage the trees during the implementation.
A View of the tower ascent and descend of the zip line in a picture in Ferdows Garden of Isfahan.
Successful zip line test by metal mannequin.